Convex Hull
// Import GeoScript modules
import geoscript.layer.*
import geoscript.feature.*
import geoscript.geom.*
// Get the shapefile
Shapefile shp = new Shapefile('states_centroids.shp');
// Create a new Schema
Schema schema = new Schema('states_convex_hull', [['the_geom','Polygon','EPSG:4326']])
// Create our new Layer
Layer layer = shp.workspace.create(schema)
// Collect the Geometries
List geoms = shp.features.collect{f->f.geom}
// Create a GeometryCollection from the List of Geometries
GeometryCollection geomCol = new GeometryCollection(geoms)
// Get the Convex Hull from the GeometryCollection
Geometry convexHullGeom = geomCol.convexHull
// Add the Convex Hull Geometry as a Feature

Minimum Bounding Circle
// Import GeoScript modules
import geoscript.layer.*
import geoscript.feature.*
import geoscript.geom.*
// Get the Shapefile
Shapefile shp = new Shapefile('states_centroids.shp')
// Create a new Schema
Schema schema = new Schema('states_minimum_bounding_circle', [['the_geom','Polygon','EPSG:4326']])
// Create the new Layer
Layer layer = shp.workspace.create(schema)
// Collect Geometries from the Shapefile
List geoms = shp.features.collect{f->f.geom}
// Create a GeometryCollection from the List of Geometries
GeometryCollection geomCol = new GeometryCollection(geoms)
// Get the Minimum Bounding Circle from the GeometryCollection
Geometry circleGeom = geomCol.minimumBoundingCircle
// Add the Minimum Bounding Circle Geometry as a Feature

Jared (or anyone for that matter),
ReplyDeleteAre you aware of any implementations of the Douglas-Peucker or Lang Simplification algorithms in Groovy? Alternatively what about Java? I can port one over from C++ or other language but I'd hate to reinvent the wheel! TIA for any help.
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