// Import Geoscript modules
import geoscript.layer.*
import geoscript.feature.*
import geoscript.geom.*
// Get the Shapefile we want to buffer
Shapefile shp = new Shapefile('states_centroids.shp')
// Create a new Schema but with Polygon Geometry
Schema schema = shp.schema.changeGeometryType('Polygon','states_buffers')
// Create the new Layer
Layer bufferLayer = shp.workspace.create(schema)
// Specify the buffer distance
double distance = 2 // decimal degrees
// Iterate through each Feature using a closure
shp.features.each{f ->
// Create a Map for the new attributes
Map attributes = [:]
// Set attribute values
f.attributes.each{k,v ->
if (v instanceof Geometry) {
attributes[k] = v.buffer(distance)
else {
attributes[k] = v
// Create a new Feature with the new attributes
Feature feature = schema.feature(attributes, f.id)
// Add it to the buffer Layer
The Layer.getCursor() method, used in the last post, reads one Feature at a time. In this post I use Layer.getFeatures(). This method reads all of the Features in to a list. Here is what you get:
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